Small Business Coaching
Small Business coaching for you!
At Center For Changing Lives, we believe that we need to support small businesses to achieve economic vitality.
Currently, we are working with some small businesses in the area, namely those owned by BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) and near our South Chicago Colocation Office.
Also we encourage you to support local businesses and shop small!
Additionally, we offer Small Business Support & Coaching to connect you to the resources you need, whether you are launching your entrepreneurial dream, or if you are a long-standing business owner.
Reach out to us today at or call 773-342-6210 to get started with Center for Changing Lives!
Resources and Workshops
Center for Changing Lives is an Economic Empowerment Center (EEC) with the State of Illinois DCEO-OE3
FREE Entrepreneurship Training for Illinois residents to gain essential skills, resources, networks, and support to start and grow a business—at no cost!
Government contracting
Business ownership
Worker cooperatives
Loan processes
And, much more!
Center for Changing Lives is a Neighborhood Business Development Center (NBDC) with the City of Chicago!
CCL Small Business Coaching Services available through NBDC as Place-Based Generalist
Applying for business licenses and public way use permits
Helping navigate City government
Developing or refining business plans
Marketing assistance
Access and referrals to additional resources
Connections to interns/employees
Connections to worker co-ops
And, much more!
Digital Skills for Small Biz Owners
Learn how to use free and affordable online digital resources to improve customer experience and reduce business costs in this 6-week cohort-based course.
Our CCL Coaches will support you in
Understanding digital solutions
Identifying applications for financial transactions
Effectively communicating with customers and increasing brand recognition
Utilizing social media as a digital marketing tool
Securing business assets
Sign up for our next cohort!
Learn more about Worker Co-Ops here
CCL Small Business Coaching will help you understand what a worker co-op is and how this can support you in your entrepreneurial work.
Worker cooperatives are values-driven businesses that put worker and community benefit at the core of their purpose.
There are distinct models, such as; Producer Cooperatives, Consumer Cooperatives, and Purchasing Cooperatives.
Prospects for worker cooperatives have grown increasingly due to labor movement efforts of the past and newer governmental rules & regulations.
Gain a general understanding of what cooperative models exist and how they work and operate!
Sign up for our next workshop!
Sign up for Verizon’s Small Business Digital Ready Resources.
A CCL Small Business Coach can support you in signing up for the Small Business Digital Ready Program.
Let us help you in sustaining or achieving your Entrepreneurial Dream.
Right now there is a FREE toolkit available for entrepreneurs to help you maximize your digital skills!
You can access the toolkit and other resources here
Reach out to get started or receive support at or call 773-342-6210.
Looking for an intern?
Check out our Google IT programs and get connected to the intern you need!
This is an opportunity to help our members progress and develop their skills. Plus, supporting neighbors is a great way to create a community where everyone thrives!
Reach out today through email or call us at 773-342-6210 to connect with your CCL IT Intern!