Worker Co-ops
Worker Co-Op Education & Outreach at Center for Changing Lives
CCL Small Business Coaches are here to support you as explore what a worker cooperative is and how it could help you achieve your entrepreneurial dream.
We know that small businesses are rewarding and key to economic vitality, and we recognize it is not without its challenges. CCL is here to lend assistance whenever possible, please contact so we can support you.
CCL Small Business Coaches coaches help you understand what a worker co-op is and how this can support you in your entrepreneurial work. Some things we will explore together:
How worker cooperatives are values-driven businesses that put worker and community benefit at the core of their purpose.
That there are distinct models, such as; Producer Cooperatives, Consumer Cooperatives, and Purchasing Cooperatives.
Prospects for worker cooperatives have grown increasingly due to labor movement efforts of the past and newer governmental rules & regulations.
Restorative economic models and learn what it means to work toward the solidarity economy
Going deep on models such as worker co-ops, housing co-ops, community land trusts (CCL is a part of the Hermosa Here to Stay Community Land Trust-learn more here), and Lending Circles (a unique way to build credit, also offered at CCL, check it out here.)
Set up a 1:1 meeting to gain a general understanding of what cooperative models exist and how they work and operate! Get connected to our collaborative partner Co-Op Ed Center.
Let us know how we can support you! CCL offers bilingual and bicultural assistance from both our Logan Square & South Chicago offices, all services can be offered in English & Spanish. CCL also offers co-active coaching to support your growth in general business skills and in forming worker co-ops as we move together toward the solidarity economy.
Reach out to CCL via email at or via phone at 773-342-6210