Neighborhood Business Development Center (NBDC)
Center for Changing Lives is proud to Be a Neighborhood Business Development Center
CCL Small Business Coaches are here to support you in your small business work. We know that small businesses are key to economic vitality and rewarding, but we recognize it is not without its challenges, and we are here to lend assistance whenever possible, please contact so we can support you.
CCL Small Business Coaching Services available through NBDC as Place-Based Generalist
Applying for business licenses and public way use permits
Helping navigate City government
Developing or refining business plans
Marketing assistance
Access and referrals to additional resources
Connections to interns/employees
Connections to worker co-ops
And, much more!
Let us know how we can support you! CCL offers hyper local business development assistance from both our Logan Square & South Chicago offices, all services can be offered in English & Spanish. CCL offers co-active coaching to support your growth in general business acumen and accountability as you name & refine your entrepreneurial dream.
CCL’s NBDC services are focused in the following wards:
Reach out CCL and ask for Jeremy Riegler, Small Business Coach & Team Lead via email here or via phone at 773-342-6210
Commercial Listing
As part of CCL’s work toward a community where everyone thrives, we also like to share opportunities for growth such as commercial listings!
1633 N Hamlin
600 square feet of 2nd floor commercial loft space available for $1000/month.
Space divided into 400 sq ft and 200 sq ft inner office.
Secured parking lot.
Air conditioned.
Immediate occupancy.
For more information:
Deborah Smith, Commercial Real Estate Broker
Phone: 773-736-3600