Virtual Financial


Currently offered in english only

A series of free, online workshops designed to provide financial education, resources and tools to improve your money management skills for increased financial well-being.


Register here to participate in our virtual financial workshops

To sign up please email or click on the workshop intake button below


Virtual financial Workshops include topics such as:

  • Mindful Money Management

    Reflect on your financial habits and explore ways to manage your income, spending and saving to improve your financial well being.

  • Mastering Your Spending Plan

    Utilize resources and tools to develop and maintain structures that complement your financial habits and propel your financial goals.

  • Developing Financial Skills to Navigate Financial Shock

    Explore ways to develop your capacity to preserve your financial health, navigating uncertainties, overcome challenges and persevere towards achieving financial goals.

  • Debt Management for Financial Well Being

    Explore ways to manage, reduce and eliminate your debt in ways that support your financial vision.

  • Double session workshop

    Department of Labor: Taking the Mystery Out of Retirement Planning

    This workshop, brought to you by the Department of Labor, explores how to structure an individualized budget for spending in retirement and account for inflation over time with the ultimate goal to help give you a savings target to meet your expectations.

    Fifth Third Bank Virtual eBus: Strategies to Slash Your Debt

    Center for Changing Lives is joining with The Fifth Third Bank Virtual eBus program to offer online financial empowerment that will focus on strategies to slash your debt, and give you tips on how to stay out of debt in the future.

  • Simplifying Credit Reports and Credit Scores

    Understand the basics of credit reports and credit scores to support and advance your financial goals.

  • Building Credit to Advance Your Financial Vision

    Lean and understand credit building products and strategies to advance your goals intentionally and effectively.

  • department of labor: savings fitness

    A guide to your money and your financial future, this workshop looks at preparing for retirement as early as possible.

  • SMART Goals to Maximize Saving Potential

    Explore strategies, products and practices to advance savings goals and increase savings achievements.

  • Preserving Your Financial Health -

    Explore ways to manage consumer fatigue and overcome challenges to remain, return or stay financially healthy.

  • Fair Housing: Know Your Rights

    Learn about fair housing law, understand your rights and know how to enforce them.

  • SMART Goals to Maximize Saving Potential - Holiday Edition!

    Explore strategies, products and practices to advance savings goals and increase savings achievement just in time for the holidays.

  • Being Prepared for a Digital Economy

    Learn about financial technology, also known and "fin tech", and explore virtual banking, financial apps, and other digital products and services.

  • Maximizing Financial Products and Services

    Understand and evaluate financial products and services to meet your needs and your advance goals.

  • Safeguarding Your Finances and Identity

    Explore ways to protect your finances and identity to preserve your financial health now and in the future.

  • Mastering Your Spending Plan - Holiday Edition!

    Prepare to stay on track with your budget, debt reduction and other financial goals over the holiday season.

  • Advancing Your Financial Position Over Time

    Being an informed consumer, avoiding predatory lending and understanding consumer rights.

  • Money Management - Holiday Edition!

    Understand the benefits and consequences of using credit as an income if funds are low this holiday season.