Census 2020


Get Counted.

Click and fill out your census today!


what is the census?

Every 10 years, the United States counts the people in this country. We call this process the Census. Everyone counts: babies, children, teens, adults, older adults, immigrants and non-immigrants!

Right now, Illinois receives $20 billion in federal funding through U.S. Census data, which supports things like housing, health care, education, emergency services, and more. Vital programs that help low-income households and communities of color depend on this funding. If Illinoisans are not counted during the upcoming 2020 Census, fewer resources will come to the state.

The Census counts every person in the country regardless of citizenship status. 


Our Outreach

CCL is joining thousands of organizations nationwide to conduct census outreach in our community and is supported by Forefront IL and the Puerto Rican Cultural Center. Our focus is on the Northwest side of Chicago, in the Latinx and Black communities that we know best. To help with our efforts, please contact Linda, our Outreach and Engagement Coordinator below!